Sunday, 28 February 2016

As one pub closes.....

On a happier note, as one pub closes another opens.

23 miles away from West Kirby, just over the border into Wales and new micropub is opening in Mold.

I've been following the development of The Mold Ale House for just over a year now.  Ever since they set up on Facebook.  

With all the pubs closing at the moment, it's not often you get the chance to attend a new one opening!

Report to follow.

A New(ish) Pub Closes....

It is with a heavy heart I must report that The Abbey in West Kirby, Wirral is closing tonight.  They will undergo an approximate 6 week refurb after which the range of hand pulls will be reduced from 6 to 2 and there's even the possibility of a name change!

I will keep you posted and report from the new venture once opened.

Thursday, 18 February 2016

A Helping Hand

I live in the North West of England.  

My recent trip to  #NWAF in Derby is about as far as I can travel and, as much as I'd like to, I can't get to everything!

Anyone wishing to submit a pub or beer festival review, pub crawl or beer / brewery review I'll be happy to publish it on the Blog.


The Reason For Being

I started this blog purely as a way of electronically recording my beer ticks, which used to be written on paper.

I then discovered Untappd and started ticking electronically and this blog was no longer needed, though I tried (and failed) to copy up the rest of my paper notes!

Untappd initially posted to my personal Facebook and Twitter accounts, then I decided to give Cyber Beer its own accounts, but, not being able to post to pages, the FB account has gone mostly unused.  The popularly of my Twitter however, continues to astound me!

Used primarily for my Untappd beer ticks, I also use it for interacting with breweries and other beer fans.  I have about 410 followers including British and American breweries, brewers, pubs and others in "the trade" as well as general beer fans.

My new year plans for this blog are to actually blog more!  Note details of pub crawls, beer festivals and meet the brewer sessions.

Also for 2016 The Cyber Beer Blog has ventured outside the realms of Blogspot and I now have a duplicate blog on Tumblr, as well as venturing more into the realm of Google+!

Thank you for supporting and being interested in Cyber Beer's ventures.

The CyberHippy
Cyber Beer Administrator 

National Winter Ale Festival 2016


The NWAF is once again being held in The Roundhouse at Derby.

I have a bit of a trek to get to it this year, as I'm coming from The Wirral.  I have to go by car to Spital, then from Spital to Chester, from Chester to Crewe and Finally from Crewe to Derby.  

I am currently on the train to Crewe.


Waiting on my connection to Derby, but the 12:07 delayed by 10 mins.  Good thing I'm not going for the one in an hour because 13:07 is cancelled!

Crewe - Derby is the longest part of the journey is a 1hr 20min run.


Train now delayed till 12:25!


Finally on my way to Derby!  Shoots arrive around 13:40 according to National Rail Enquires!  Be ready for a drink at the end of this journey, good thing I'm off to a beer festival! :-D


Arrived! Got my first beer.  Blue Monkey Chocolate Gorilla Stout and it's lovely!

Had several beers, including Parish Baz's Bonce Blower, and talked to many people including those on the Tiny Rebel and Thornbridge stalls.

Bought crisps from Piper’s and chocolate from Merry Berry.

The beers I tried were :-

Blue Monkey Chocolate Guerrilla
Tiny Rebel Stay Puft Marshmallow Porter
The Boot Inn Welington
Dancing Duck Waddle It Be?
Parish Baz's Bonce Blower
Abbydale Birdhouse Tea Beer
Rat Red Hot Chilli Rat
Tiny Rebel Hadouken 
Thornbridge Saint Petersberg 
Thornbridge Made North
Tiny Rebel Dubbel Dragon

Grabbed my final beer, Wentwell Absent Friends.


Train back to Crewe 


On train to Chester


Arrived at Chester station


On platform 7B for 21:00 train to Spital 


Arrived home.

A long day with a lot of traveling, but definitely worth it.  Had some great beers and picked up some brewery freebies as well!  

Time for bed soon.  Manchester beckons tomorrow!  New Marble Brewery beer launch.  :-)